Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer.
Open source advocate, pythonista, linux nerd coffee-lover, information security paranoid + skeptical inquirer, and student pilot.
I’m a sales engineer with a passion for technology and helping clients succeed. With 20 years of experience in software engineering, I bring a unique perspective to sales, combining technical knowledge with sales expertise to deliver solutions that meet the clients’ needs.
My experience in software engineering has given me the ability to analyze complex problems and develop innovative solutions that leverage cutting-edge technology. As a sales engineer, I work closely with clients to understand their business objectives and develop custom solutions that deliver measurable results.
I believe in building strong relationships with the clients I work with, and I pride myself on my ability to communicate technical concepts in a way that is easy to understand. Whether it’s through demos, presentations, or one-on-one conversations, I make sure that the clients have a clear understanding of how our solutions will help their business succeed.
The tools and processes I’ve been using in most recent years are: Datadog, Python, Golang, C, Ansible, linux hardening, configuring and troubleshooting Linux systems (apache httpd, nginx, samba, NFS, email, DNS), software packaging (RPM), Jenkins and Tekton for continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), Flask, Django, OpenShift Container Platform, Istio, Kubernetes, KVM (virtualization tools) and Podman (Docker replacement) for micro-services and API development (composing and deploying service mesh).
I do what I love, and I love what I do.
Education is very important to me, and I’ve been constantly updating my skills by learning and practicing new things. Here it is a list of my most valuable education achievements:
I spent many years working on technology startups, and I have experience across different industries such as: telecomm, banking, independent software vendor, information service providers, media and printing. Today, my strongest skills are on:
During my career I had experience with the following areas:
Along side my technologist career, I am a coffee enthusiast. I was previously trained in coffee roasting, cupping and brewing at the London School of Coffee. I also enrolled in a private pilot training at at the East Coast Aero Club, and in the past years I’ve been flying single-engine aircrafts across the New England region.
If you want to get in touch with me, email is best:
tiago at tvieira dot com
Please use my public key to keep our messages confidential.
My key fingerprint is
2525 D9C5 A152 54C0 575F 102E 2CB8 A45A E245 073D
My keybase is https://keybase.io/tmoreira
Thanks for reading!